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Showing posts from April, 2017

What is Graphics Card?

   Its just a printed circuit board, that can be controls the output of the display screen.        The Graphics is a part of your computer that can be control and enhance the Graphics properties ( Pictures, videos, Programs, Animations, 3D )that are displayed on the computer screen. This can be mainly used for High Definition ( HD ) programming purposes. INTEGRATED:       In this type, the graphics can be in-built into the mother board. There are no add-in card can be used in these type of mother board. This can be mainly used for the Standard Computer's and Laptop's. It cannot be upgraded easily. DISCRETE:         In this type, there is no in-built graphics into the mother board. This is a Seperate Graphics board that can be add-in to the motherboard.  This board are in different sizes. They are 1GB, 2GB, etc,. In highest sizes, they will give a better performace. This type of graphics are easily ...

What is RAM?

         ➤It is a  RANDOM  ACCESS  MEMORY  (RAM)                            It can be Used as a temporary storage. It is Main Memory, device that can be found in a Computers, Mobiles,  Printers, etc,. Ram can be used for speed up the system performance. When an user can be switch ON the device, the RAM can be accessing the  Operating System  ( OS ) by the supporting of a  Processor , From the  Hard Disk Drive  ( HDD ) and the  Solid - State Drive  ( SSD ). This can be saved the datas temporary. Once the user can switch OFF the system, all the datas from the RAM can be erased. Next ON time the RAM can continue the process again.  This is mainly used for the Booting and the accessing process. For Example;                       In editing and designing field the ...